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Foundations 2 DIGESTION

Possible the most important element to the foundations is DIGESTION!

  • Do you have indigestion?

  • Gerd?

  • Acid reflux?

  • Bloating?

  • Gas?

  • Diarrhea?

  • Constipation?

  • Bad breath?

  • Cavities?

  • Coated tongue?

  • Acne?

  • PMS?

  • Achy Joints?

  • Smelly body odor?

  • Food Sensitivities?

  • Malnutrition?

  • Rashes?

  • Psoriasis?

  • Fatigue?

  • Abdominal Pain?

  • Mood?

  • Liver and Gallbladder Issues?

What really? No way...this can be DIGESTION - who knew?

10-25% of Americans suffer from digestive disorders and those are the reported cases. I don't know about you, I'm pretty sure my constipation was never reported.

This is a huge contributing factor to over-all disease.

And it's SOOOO correctable.

Complex and simple all at the same time.

Digestion runs north to south and is supported by the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.

Each section of the system performs it's own role.

It all starts in the mouth as we chew our food, we are breaking down the food into smaller digestible size, this is mixed enzymes in the saliva to break down carbohydrates.

Food then slides down the esophagus and is let into the stomach.

The stomach is the DEATH CHAMBER-

This is where when functioning properly bacteria and pathogens are to be destroyed before entering the intestine.

The small intestine is responsible for so much - it further breaks down the chyme coming from the stomach.

Enzymes from the pancreas and bile from the liver help break down even further the carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into nutrients the body uses like glucose, amino acids, and essential fatty acids.

These are the fuel for our bodies systems. These nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream here.

The remaining content moves on to the large intestine where water and electrolytes are absorbed and thus becomes the solid waste called poop.

In the large intestine your microbiome is fed and balanced. Seeral vitamins are made here along with neurotransmitters.

There are common places where the body needs support and depending on your symptoms, eating habits and health history you may really benefit from a digestive consultation. Most symptoms and complaints are very simple to alleviate.

Try these TIPS:

Chew your food completly -helps break down the food and helps the stomach out.

Avoid drinking alot of water with a meal as it can dilute the stomach acids from doing their job.

Eat fiber with every meal - green leafy, salads, whole fruits. - balances blood sugar, helps with diarrhea and constipation, feeds healthy microbiome.

A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before a meal. - Help digest foods.

If symptoms persist or you don't get relief book a call - you can have a healthy gut and you SHOULD for your healths sake.

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