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Foundation One

Nutrient Dense Whole Foods - That is the foundation of foundations to vibrant juicy amazerful health!

Imagine delicious mouthwatering berries, crunchy peppers, snappy carrots, fresh at the source.

See it as it comes out of the ground, off the tree or vine, out of the sea or stream, out the pasture or forest! 

Food in it’s most basic form is the most nutritious for us!

Certainly there are many forms of food that will need preparation; we will cook most of our meat, shuck corn husks, peel an orange and banana and

ideally we will soak, sprout and ferment some of our seeds, nuts grains and some vegetables. 

The nutrient density of whole foods is remarkable - delivering a most beneficial and notable vitamin, mineral, amino acid and fatty acid profile so that our wonderful body can uptake all those raw form ingredients and convert them to the precise fuel that animates us with energy, joyful moods, and zeal for life! 

When our body can make sense of what we're eating it knows what to do with the food and can convert it to fuel for energy and healing.

The synergy of food is dynamic, built into one apple is vitamin C, Vitamin K, fiber, carbohydrates, and minerals - each performing a unique function in the overall health and capacity of the body eating it.

When I eat a refined food I am removing the beautiful dance and balance of each nutrient serving it's role and supporting the other nutrient's roles.

When I choose to avoid refined sugar, salt, and flour and ADD NUTRIENT DENSE WHOLE FOODS I have made a POWERFUL CHOICE for my health.

TIPS: Tips to try:

  • Buy whole fruits and vegetables preferably fresh and organic.

  • When purchasing prepared foods try for less than 8 ingredients .

  • Trade your oils out for Organic Virgin Olive Oil, Organic Coconut Oil, Grass Fed Butter, Ghee.

  • Avoid all processed foods and ingredients that are chemical, preservatives, additives, colorants, and refined. 

  • Avoid refined sugar, salt, and flour. 

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